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A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.

Because the proof is in the pudding.

At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.

Modular Retainer Services

Streamline HubSpot implementation, supercharge your lead generation, elevate your SEO efforts and more with tailored support from Campaign Creators’ elite team.


Maximize Your Business Potential with our Innovative Retainer Model

Our unique modular retainer model ensures that the credits you purchase are dedicated to completing specific projects within pre-established timelines, providing clarity and efficiency.


Flexibility for Evolving Needs

Adapt your retainer plan to your changing business requirements by adjusting your credit allocation on a monthly basis. Increase or decrease your credits to match your evolving needs, ensuring you always have the right resources at the right time.

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Transparency and Comprehensive Tracking

Maintain full visibility into your retainer requests and project statuses with our Retainer Dashboard. Track project types, requests, dates, and completion statuses in real-time, ensuring you stay informed and in control.


Exclusive Loyalty Advantages

Take advantage of attractive discounts and other benefits when you commit to higher retainer amounts. Our loyalty incentives reward your commitment, helping you get the most value from our services.

How it works

  • Flexible Credit System

    Unlock the full potential of your retainer budget with our flexible credit system. Each month, receive a set number of credits tailored to your budget, allowing you to allocate resources efficiently. Projects are based on a “retainer cycle,” ensuring flexibility and adaptability to your unique timeline needs.

  • Initial System Setup & Onboarding

    Get started with ease! During the first two weeks, we establish your Retainer Dashboard, submission form, and project backlog. We also hold a comprehensive kick-off meeting to align on your immediate goals.

  • Strategic Project Assignment

    Maximize your investment by assigning credits to specific products. Adjust your credit allocation each month to suit your evolving needs. You may submit requests to modify credits or switch products by the 15th of the month for implementation in the following cycle*.

    *applies if project has not started by the time of the request and/or if it is a like-kind request.

  • Transparent Request Tracking

    Stay in control with our Retainer Dashboard, where you can log and monitor all retainer request details and project statuses. Easily track project types, requests, dates, and completion statuses. Submit smaller consulting and backlog requests as needed through the Retainer Request Form.

Unlock the full potential of your retainer budget with our flexible credit system. Each month, receive a set number of credits tailored to your budget, allowing you to allocate resources efficiently. Projects are based on a “retainer cycle,” ensuring flexibility and adaptability to your unique timeline needs.

Get started with ease! During the first two weeks, we establish your Retainer Dashboard, submission form, and project backlog. We also hold a comprehensive kick-off meeting to align on your immediate goals.

Maximize your investment by assigning credits to specific products. Adjust your credit allocation each month to suit your evolving needs. You may submit requests to modify credits or switch products by the 15th of the month for implementation in the following cycle*.

*applies if project has not started by the time of the request and/or if it is a like-kind request.

Stay in control with our Retainer Dashboard, where you can log and monitor all retainer request details and project statuses. Easily track project types, requests, dates, and completion statuses. Submit smaller consulting and backlog requests as needed through the Retainer Request Form.

Let's drive high quality traffic to your website


$203k increase in revenue in 3 months

Wild for Salmon, an eCommerce retailer of premium seafood, had seen success at their local farmer’s marketing, yet struggled to see similar results online. With the help of Campaign Creators, Wild for Salmon was able to utilize their HubSpot platform to build an eCommerce marketing boat that helped their revenue to set sail.

View Case Study

We were able to do a lot more effective blogging with keyword strategies. We published a blog one day, and within hours, somebody called and wanted to do business together.
Jim Cerra
Founder & CEO, PlanetTogether
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Ready to Transform Your Business?

Contact our team today to get started! Let us guide you through the process and help you select the best products to achieve your business goals. Reach out now and unlock the full potential of our enhanced retainer services.