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What We're Talking About...Millennials In the Workplace

What We're Talking About...Millennials In the Workplace

More traditional companies are struggling to figure out how to create a work environment in which millennials can thrive. Millennials appear to be different than their previous generation, posing a threat since they grew up in the age of education and technology at their fingertips, and this interferes with many company's existing business models. While millennials may seem too emotional, self-centered and powerful, they really aren't that different from earlier generations. All they want is to be passionate about their careers and really make a difference. As long as you provide an environment where they can find and pursue their passion, they will flourish. One day in the not so distant future, millennials will run the world, so we better make sure they are happy and passionate about your company otherwise you may have to close up shop.  

If you need to learn how to make your business model more inclusive to millennials, here's what we're talking about....


Why '80s Babies Are Differnet Than Other Millennials via. Popsugar

"We came of age just as the very essence of communication was experiencing a seismic shift, and it's given us a unique perspective that's half analog old school and half digital new school"
This article talks about how '80s babies grew up with technology, but were the first wave of a young generation to use it. They used technology and old-fashioned methods in combination. They first experienced the world of downloading music and didn't have their life documented on social media like the rest of millennials.

3 Ways Forward-Thinking Companies Are Engaging Millennials via. Entrepreneur

“Sure, "Millennials don't just work for a paycheck -- they want a purpose," but how does that translate into an actionable strategy?”
This article talks about how millennials are the future and companies need to change to make them happy, otherwise they will fail. The article discusses 3 ways that companies are engaging millennials and keeping them happy, and can help give you some ideas on how to improve your company for millennials.

What Do Millennials Want at Work? The Same Things the Rest of Us Do via. Harvard Business Review

“Millennials reported being more satisfied with the training and skills development they receive, compared with 76% of the rest of the population”
This article talks about the differences between millennials and other generations, in that there aren't many. Millennials and older workers have many of the same career goals. Millennials preferences are also the same on the importance of six traits in a potential employer - ethics, environmental practices, work-life balance, profitability, diversity and reputation.

Millennials on Millennials: A Look At Viewing Behavior, Distractions and Social Media Stars via. Nielsen

“Given their engagement with social media during commercial breaks, it’s not surprising that Millennials score lower than older generations when it comes to ad memorability”
This article talks about three things you might not have known about Millennials: Millennials love TV-connected devices, Millennials are a distracted audience, and social media stars are “Celebrities”.



Millennials Coming of Age via. GoldmanSachs

This infographic gives statistics on Millennials in different categories such as housing, love & marriage, needs, brands and retail, and wellness. The infographic also compares Millennials to Generation X and Baby Boomers.

29 Surprising Facts That Explain Why Millennials See the World Differently via. Inc.

This infographic covers statistics about millennials in the work force.



Engaging Millennials in the Workplace via. BetterWorks

“By 2020, nearly all Millennials will be in the workplace, and survey data indicates they’ll make a big impact on the way work gets done”
This podcast talks about millennials in the workplace and covers three main points: millennials are making a positive impact, transparency is critical and you need to stretch goals.

What are your tips and tricks for making the workplace more millennial friendly? Comment below.

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