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Lead Nurturing (2)

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7 min read

When to Use a Drip Campaign vs Nurture Campaign

As every statistics-scouring marketer knows, email is alive and thriving. Offering an average ROI of $38 for every dollar spent and seen as the most...

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4 min read

5 Powerful Reasons to Leverage Video Testimonials on Landing Pages

When you make a video of yourself or one of your employees talking about how great your products and services are, that's called selling. But when...

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4 min read

San Diego Central HubSpot User Group (SDCHUG) April Launch Party

Hi there! Here at Campaign Creators, we want to thank all of those that joined us in helping celebrate the launch of SDCHUG. We had a lot of fun and...

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5 min read

Understanding, Growing and Lead Nurturing Applicants

The University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Pharmacy is a nationally ranked pharmacy school, but there was something they were missing — a way to...

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HubSpot vs Pardot MAS Comparison

7 min read

HubSpot vs Pardot MAS (Which Is Better for Lead Nurturing?)

Why should you care about marketing automation systems (MAS)? A marketing automation system is a tool that combines many different functions of...

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6 min read

What We're Talking About... Segmenting to Increase Conversion Rates

No one likes to be treated like just another face in the crowd. With this in mind, it's been proven that treating your audience as homogenous...

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wwta outsourcing your marketing

6 min read

How to Prepare Your Ecommerce Site for the Holidays

It's that time of year again! Holiday shoppers, ready your mark. Get set.. Go! NO! Wait - wait, wait! We covered this topic last year, right? Well,...

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