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A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.

Because the proof is in the pudding.

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ECommerce Marketing (5)


3 min read

What We're Talking About...Customer Generated Content for Ecommerce

Are you stuck wondering how to create content that appeals perfectly to your target audience?

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What Were talking about has ecommerce killed brick and mortar_blogimage sean.png

3 min read

What We're Talking About. . . Has Ecommerce Killed Brick & Mortar?

As they say, the times they are a changin'. With the holiday season upon us, we've probably all heard a fair amount of talk about eCommerce...

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3 min read

9 Tips For A Successful Webinar

Hey everyone! Andrea here, Campaign Creators' Event Specialist, and today I'm going to share 9 tips on how to run a successful webinar for your...

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How To Write Good Customer Survey Questions-1

4 min read

11 Principles for How to Write Customer Survey Questions

You can use customer surveys to improve a product or service, measure customer satisfaction, improve customer retention, provide data for business...

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