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Content Strategy (7)


2 min read

Spotify: The New Social Network

The world of music no longer comes in the form of a record, compact disc, or a cassette. As is already known, music has gone digital, just as about...

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2 min read

3 Ways to Increase Your Blog’s Shares on Social Media

Here at Campaign Creators we talk a lot about how to create great content and which platforms you should post that content to. But this great content...

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2 min read

Promotions in Sports

As many people know, marketing requires multiple components to effectively work and succeed. One of these essential components is promotions....

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2 min read

5 Unwritten Rules for Social Media Campaigning

1. Double-check questionable posts Although you might think a post is funny and harmless, others may find it offensive. Offending someone in your...

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