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The Calm Before the Tweetstorm: From 140 to 10,000 Characters

The Calm Before the Tweetstorm: From 140 to 10,000 Characters

If you haven't heard the news yet, Twitter is planning on expanding tweet length from the brief 140 characters to a whopping 10,000 characters. Just to put things into perspective, here's quite a ridiculous example of what 10,000 characters looks like. While some people may think that brevity is the soul of wit, Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey seems to qualify that sentiment. Here's what he tweeted following the massive confusion/backlash/misunderstanding after news sources reported that Twitter was planning to expand tweet length. 

Although diatribes, sometimes referred to as "tweetstorms," aren't anything new to the publishing platform, these missives take on a whole new meaning with the possible character expansion. Tweetstorms are a long series of tweets that are typically used for rants or long-winded thoughts. If character length is expanded, it could mean the death of the tweetstorm.

But how does this impact marketers you might ask? Here's how. 

More customer service

With expanded character lengths, brands will be more capable of attending to customer service issues on the micro-blogging platform. Companies can delve deeper into conversations with consumers to solve their complaints, increase customer loyalty, and post long-form content addressing company news.

New users

The increased character limit might bring in new users who were intimidated by the learning curve when trying to fit their thoughts into just a couple of sentences. An increased Twitter population means your brand can have a potentially expanded reach. 

Brand positioning 

With a wider text landscape, brands are free to position their messaging and mission statements far more eloquently than before. An influx of new users will prompt brand strategists to revamp their tactics when it comes to posting on Twitter. Although the brevity of 140 characters demands creativity and precision, 10,000 could provide more room to explain why customers should choose a specific product or service.

On-site content

Instead of clicking on a link in a tweet and waiting for a page to load, users might be able to consume most of their content directly on Twitter. There'll be no need to wait for load times and the expanded feature could enhance the user's reading experience.

These benefits seem worthy of mention, but at the end of the day, people loved the limited word capacity that Twitter offered. If Twitter decides to implement the game-changing functionality, users might reconsider using the platform.

Also, if users spend more time engaging with longer-form content, they'll have less time to interact with more tweets. We'll just have to wait and see how Twitter approaches this new feature and when. 

In the meantime, Twitter remains the platform leader for posting short and clever musings. 

What so you think about the possible change? Let us know by commenting below.

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