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The 6 Types of Millennial You Should Be Marketing To

The 6 Types of Millennial You Should Be Marketing To

With collective buying power estimated at $200 Billion annually – with an indirect annual spending power of $500 Billion - you better be targeting a Millennial as one of your buyer personas. If you’re not, you are leaving money on the table.

This blog post is part of Your Definitive Guide to Lead Generation blog series.



6 Types of Millennials (summary)

There are 6 types of Millennials: 

1. Hipennial(29%): cautious consumer, global, charitiable, and information hungry

2. Old-School Millennial(10%): disconnected, confident, independent and self-directed

3. Gadget Guru(13%): Successful, wired and free-spirited, confident and at ease

4. Clean and Green Millennial(10%): Impressionable, cause driven, healthy, green and positive

5. Millennial Mom(22%): Wealthy, family oriented, works out, confident and digitally savvy

6. Anti-Millennial(16%): Locally minded, conservative, does not spend more for green


What we know about Millennials (gen Y)?

Need help developing your buyer
personas? Download this buyer
persona workbook and get marketing! 


Who are Millennials? 

Hipennial: “ I can make the world a better place” – 29%

  • Cautious consumer, global, charitable, and information hungry
  • Greatest user of social media, but does not push/contribute content, looking for entertainment.
  • Female dominated, below average employment due to students and homemakers.

Old-School Millennial: “Connecting on Facebook is too impersonal, let’s meet up for coffee instead!” – 10%

  • Disconnected, cautious consumer, and charitable
  • Confident, independent, and self-directed
  • Spends least amount of time online in most activities, reads printed media
  • Above average Hispanic, a little older

Gadget Guru: “It’s a great day to be me” – 13%

  • Successful, wired and free-spirited, confident, at ease
  • Now is his best decade
  • Greatest device ownership, pushes/contributes to content
  • Male dominated, above average income, more single 

Clean and Green Millennial: “I take care of myself and the world around me.” – 10%

  • Impressionable, cause driven, healthy, green, and positive
  • Greatest contributor of content, usually cause related
  • Male dominated, above average
  • Hispanic and full time student, youngest segment

Millennial Mom: “I love to work out, travel, and pamper my baby” – 22%

  • Wealthy, family oriented, works out, confident, and digitally savvy
  • High online intensity in terms of time, activities, and shopping
  • Highly social
  • Female dominated, a little older, highest income of segments; above average Hispanic share 

Anti-Millennial: “I’m too busy taking care of my business and my family to worry about much else.” – 16%

  • Locally minded, conservative
  • Does not spend more for green
  • Seeking comfort, familiarity over excitement, expansion, and interruption
  • Slightly more female; lowest Hispanic share of segments

Don't leave money on the table - start targeting Millennials now. Need help creating your millennial buyer persona? Our free Buyer Personas Workbook will walk you through the process. 

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