Campaign Creators Digital Marketing Blog

A New Streamlined Look for Facebook Pages

Written by Campaign Creators | 3/21/14 4:30 PM

Last week, the folks at Facebook announced a new “streamlined look” for Facebook Fan Pages. The changes, according to Facebook, “will make it easier for people to find the information they want and help page admins find the tools they use the most.” So what's new and different?

Updated Page Timeline Design

With the new Pages, posts will appear on the right side of the timeline. While information like a map, business' hours of operation, phone numbers, and photos, will be found on the left side of the timeline. This new design closely resembles a Facebook user's current timeline. Facebook hopes that this new design will help people find the information they need about a business or a brand.

Easier Access to Key Admin Tools

Facebook has made information regarding new “Likes,” unread notifications, and new messages accessible by admins anywhere on the page. They have also added improved navigation options, to make it easier for admins to access their activity, insights, and settings.

Introducing Pages to Watch

We think "Pages to Watch" is the most interesting new feature in the redesign. This feature allows administrators to create a list of their competitor's Pages. This allows them to see key stats on these Pages, including their competitor's most engaging posts from the past week.

What do you think of Facebook's new "streamlined look" for Pages? What features are you the most excited to use?