How to Use HubSpot's Facebook Ads Integration
Hello everyone, today we have a very special episode of Nick’s Ad Chat - where we talk all things PPC. The lovely people over at HubSpot have given...
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Campaign Creators
11/8/16 11:50 AM
Hi guys, this is Nick and I am heading up the PPC and Paid Social Department here at Campaign Creators. I’d like to welcome everyone to a new video series I’ll be doing called “Nick’s Ad Chat”. This is Episode 1. I’ll be on here discussing different platforms we are working with and hopefully answering any questions you guys are having. I’m going to start by going through some things that I initially was having trouble with and couldn’t find anything online to help me out.
So today we will be talking about Facebook ads. And where better to start than with Business Manager setup and the ad accounts found inside that page. It’s a topic that isn’t covered in too much detail on the Facebook support page and I found it pretty difficult to find any video walk-throughs online.
If you are an agency or even an individual working with a number of clients, it’s really important to make sure everything is set-up properly in terms of billing, the Facebook pages you are posting to, and of course just organization in general.
Interested in making the most of Facebook for your marketing? Try our other articles on lead ads, the audience optimization tool, video for mobile, and general marketing advice.
This blog post is part of “Your Definitive Guide to Lead Generation” blog series.
So what is Business Manager? Well it’s exactly how it sounds. Basically it’s a Facebook platform that lets businesses manage and share access to their ad accounts with their employees without the employees needing to connect personally on Facebook. Just keeps everything very professional.
If you don’t have a Business Manager account already set up, you will need to head over to and create one. Keep in mind you will need a page to set up a Business Manager account. If you are already part of a Business Manager account (or more than one) you will see your accounts listed on this page.
Another option for running ads is to use your personal ad account which can be accessed from the top right dropdown menu. You can run ads for any of the pages you are personally connected to but the only real situation I recommend you use it is if you are advertising for only one company and you are going to be the only one doing advertising. Otherwise I recommend setting up a Business Manager account, even if at some point down the line you anticipate somebody else advertising. It’s just so much more organized and easier to manage. Believe me, it will save you a lot of trouble in the long run.
Once inside your Business Manager account you’ll get a top down view of everything. You’ll be able to see the Ad Accounts you’ve set-up as well as the pages connected to those ad accounts. You’ll also see very basic stats on how those ad accounts are running i.e. ad spend, impressions, reach and the trends on those data sets. At the top of the screen you can click on ‘Ad Account Overview’ which will give you a little bit more detailed information on the individual ad accounts. A useful feature here is the ability to easily export the report to a csv file.
Next I would like everyone to take a look at another drop-down menu at the top left of your screen. At first you will only see your ‘Frequently Used Tools’ but by scrolling to ‘All Tools’ a new view will open up with all your Business Manager tools.
The area that we are really concerned about today is called ‘Business Manager Settings’. By clicking on this you can see in a lot of ways the same information presented in a different way. But you can also configure it to be exactly the way you want.
This first tab is very important obviously as it lets you add people to your Business Manager. You can add new employees to your Business Manager account or assign them to different ad accounts and pages.
This tab allows you to connect Facebook pages to your Business Manager so you can run ads on that page. You can request access to a page, claim access to that page, or create a new one altogether. If access is requested, the company will get a notification in the settings of their page and give you access to run ads on that page.
*Note: If you want the process to go a bit faster, ask the client to give you admin access to their Facebook page and it will automatically accept you.
Here you can see a list of your Ad Accounts. One thing I was a bit confused about was what exactly an Ad Account was. Are they connected to a certain page? Can they only run one type of ad? How does billing work?
Well, Ad Accounts are purely logistical in a lot of ways. You can name them whatever you want and you can run ads for any of your connected pages. When I set up my ad accounts, I am always only running ads for one client on there. As a result I typically give the ad account that client’s name.
Unfortunately, Facebook limits the number of ad accounts that you can have under one business account. That number you can found under the “Business Info” at the top of your screen. Fortunately, if you want to increase your limit, get in contact with Facebook Support and they will be more than happy to increase it.
Adding another a new ad account is relatively easy. Click the blue ‘Add New Ad Accounts’ in the top right corner and select which option you’d like. ‘Claiming’ or ‘Requesting’ an Ad Account assumes that your client has been running ads in the past and you will by taking over some ownership. Creating a new Ad Account gives your Business Manager complete control and ownership over a new one.
Briefly looking at the menu items at the top of this page, we can give ourselves even more control over our Business Manager settings.
This option gives your Business Manager another layer of organization. You can group Ad Accounts and Facebook pages into specific Projects (perhaps a certain client).
This is where you can add partners to your Business Manager account. This can be another agency or individual collaborator you will be working on a specific ad account with. You can add partners to your ad accounts on the same page as you add new ad accounts.
This tab is quite self explanatory, you can manage your payment methods and assign them to different ad accounts.
This is where you’ll be able to find information about your Business Manager Account. You can see your ad account creation limit, you Business Manager ID and the Primary Page. If the ad business is not for you, you also have the option to delete your account here.
In this tab you can configure what events trigger notifications to be sent out to you.
If you have received requests to be a partner of another ad account you will see those requests here.
Hope this video helped you guys out and answered some questions. Facebook is such an awesome platform and once you start owning the Business Manager, you can really start feeling the confidence to get new clients onboard and get all of your settings properly configured.
That’s it for Nick’s Ad Chat. See you guys next time! Watch the next episode of Nick's Ad Chat: How to Set Up a Facebook Lead Ad.
Have any questions or insights about Facebook Business Manager? Leave a comment for Nick below.
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Hello everyone, today we have a very special episode of Nick’s Ad Chat - where we talk all things PPC. The lovely people over at HubSpot have given...
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