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A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.

Because the proof is in the pudding.

At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.

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San Diego Central HubSpot User Group (SDCHUG) April Launch Party

San Diego Central HubSpot User Group (SDCHUG) April Launch Party

Hi there! Here at Campaign Creators, we want to thank all of those that joined us in helping celebrate the launch of SDCHUG. We had a lot of fun and hope you did too!

We also know not everyone reading this was able to join us, or even knows what SDCHUG is. So, before we get into the complete recap of this meetup, allow me to elaborate on who they are, what we do and why you should care.

Also, if you were at the event but missed the following information, you're in luck. This blog is for you too!


Introducing SDCHUG

SDCHUG is part of HubSpot's initiative to spread awareness, and engage with its partners, about using its marketing automation system to improve upon their digital marketing efforts.

HUG itself stands for HubSpot User Group and any city across the globe can form one. They're free live meetups, hosted quarterly. Also, HUGs have been designated in the past to just allow partners of the company to join; however, as part of SDCHUG's initiative, we're allowing ANY AND ALL to join our group.

Tammy sdchug launch party

So, if you're a digital marketer in the San Diego area, are a HubSpot user or partner, or simply want to network with other San Diegans, SDCHUG is for you.


Get hubspot insider knowledge (tips & tricks)

As said before, by attending these quarterly meetups, you'll be educated on digital marketing tips & tricks. More specifically, you'll be given insider knowledge from HubSpot agency partners as well as from HubSpot employees.

Each HUG meetup will cover different topics, both why you should adopt certain digital marketing strategies as well as how you can execute those strategies within HubSpot.

At San Diego Central HubSpot User Group's launch party, both voice of the customer as well as, the less talked about, voice of the customer optimization were presented on.

"Loved the format and timing. Quick, valuable and to the point," SDCHUG launch party attendee.

That said, we had a lot of fun hearing why you should adopt a voice of the customer optimization strategy, and will be placing more influence on it in our own strategy too.


Networking digital marketers in san diego

At every SDCHUG meetup, there will be time for you to network with other San Diegans before, in between or after the presentation on a marketing topic. Meet some of the best people in digital marketing here in San Diego, share a drink or grub with them, and enjoy yourself.

We ourselves would love to connect with you too. So, if you want to get one-on-one time with any or all of our very own digital marketers, come meet us. We'd love to discuss strategy, your business and more.


Sdchug vs sdhug

Alright, you might have heard about SDCHUG as well as SDHUG. We want no confusion. There are indeed two HUGs in San Diego. If you're a member of one, don't let that stop you from being a member of the other. We want you to get as much value as you can from being a member of both.

That said, if you can't make one meetup, you can always attend the other group's meetup. AND, we're actually in communication, so that there won't be overlap in content being discussed, nor will meetup dates coincide. Thus, more opportunity for HubSpot education.

SDCHUG and SDHUG are also working together to form HUGX talks, similar to TEDX talks, where we will invite members to apply and present a quick talk in front of our group. More details about this coming soon!


Your SDCHUG Moderators

You might be wondering: Who is leading these events?

Our very own Director of Marketing, Tammy Duggan-Herd.

With a Ph.D. in Applied Social Psychology, she turned to digital marketing to utilize her understanding of consumer behavior and has taken a data-driven approach while employing statistical analysis as well as research methods for improving Campaign Creators' marketing and website strategy. She's helped us increase organic search traffic by 744% over a 12 month period.

Tammy isn't by herself, though, in leading these events. Every so often, she co-hosts with a to-be-announced HubSpot employee.

At SDCHUG's launch party, Kevin Dunn, a Manager at HubSpot Academy Education, led the discussion on Voice of the Customer Optimization (VOCO).




Optimizing your voice of the customer (VoC) recap

Optimizing your voice of the customer (VoC) was presented on at SDCHUG's April 17th launch party, presented on by Kevin Dunn.

What was on the agenda for the event?

First on the agenda, Kevin spoke a little about HubSpot Academy — what it is, their principles, mission, and why you should use it to educate yourself on how to better do business.

Next on the night's agenda, Kevin spoke on why voice of the customer is important to every business. It led with an example of Domino's performance way back in 1998, being declared the worst tasting national chain in the United States.

Why was this covered?

Well, Domino's recovery from 1998 to 2019 relied tremendously on embracing customer experience, sourcing feedback from customers and empowering their team through improving autonomy. This was how they acted upon hearing the voices of their customers. Doing so saw their shares, originally bottomed out at $3 in 1998, soar to $295+ in 2019.

Dominos stock price 1998 to 2019The takeaway from this example?

"You can either use negative comments to get you down or you can use them to excite you and energize your process," Patrick Doyle, Domino's CEO.

So, through this example, Kevin showed attendees that using a voice of the customer strategy is optimal for a business to succeed, and it isn't solely subjected to pizza shops or fast food joints. Using a voice of the customer strategy, your customers propel the marketing to sales to customer service processes forward. HubSpot's flywheel is key representative imagery of this process.

HubSpot flywheel

What came next in Kevin's presentation?

Point 1: VoC and VOCO are different. VoC makes you aware of what your customers want and how they feel; whereas, VOCO gives your customers what they want and turns them into loyal customers.

Point 2: Change the way in which you source more customer feedback from the traditional approach of long-winded, wordy surveys. People are tired of filling out surveys. Make ways for your customers to provide feedback in a simple way.

"Kevin was knowledgeable about the forms of feedback using satisfaction scores and how HubSpot's tools could be integrated," SDCHUG launch party attendee.

Point 3: Don't just source more customer feedback to improve customer experience, strategically analyze your customer feedback. Kevin elaborated on this via using HubSpot's feedback framework by using established listening posts, being able to understand customer sentiment and the ability to improve customer experience to propel the process of analyzing customer feedback.

Customer feedback framework

Point 4: The last point in Kevin's presentation was how to implement a VOCO strategy in HubSpot. It followed the same points we discussed already, that you need to source feedback, track metrics, notify team members who can act on feedback and to follow up with customers. However, to do so in HubSpot, you needed to have been there. 😉


Well. . . That's a wrap! Now, you may already be an SDCHUG member, but if you aren't, you can become a member by subscribing to SDCHUG today. By subscribing, you'll be the first to know about upcoming SDCHUG meetups and news.

Become a member


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