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At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.

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Periscope Pointers: How to Use the Social Media Tool to Your Advantage

Periscope Pointers: How to Use the Social Media Tool to Your Advantage

Several years ago, Periscope, a live video streaming app, made its way onto the social media market. The platform, which facilitates live video streaming and real-time comments and “hearts,” originally featured the typical user-generated content. That is, until marketers got a hold of the feature. Now, Periscope lets marketers and small business owners connect with consumers though real-time content.

So, in accordance with our never-ending mission to provide useful and relevant information to our audience, here’s how to make the most of the live-video app. Along with a tutorial video for those who may not have any experience with the platform.


First off, figure out if Periscope is right for you.

Pinnacle uses of the platform involve broadcasting important benchmark events or launches for new products, or tutorials on existing products. Also, the live feature makes it ideal for streaming live events or conferences.

*IMPORTANT NOTE- it’s highly beneficial to have an active Twitter presence because Periscope automatically shares feeds to your Twitter audience.

So not only do you have to have an audience, they need to be interactive. Therefore, before jumping on the platform, make sure it fits your audience and the activities you promote on social media.


Craft engaging and exclusive content

No one will follow your video stream if you don’t offer them something unique. Are you part of a niche industry? Feature content that other businesses in the industry don’t offer their audiences. The goal here is to present yourself as an industry leader and willing to embrace a transparent business model. “Behind-the-scenes” content always draws some sort of attention. And keep the content short and to the point. Just like any other social media postings.


Be professional, yet casual

Craft a quality production that doesn’t feel pre-packaged and canned. The beauty of this platform is, again, the authentic and transparent feel your audience will experience. However, consider the production value here. Steady shots, no shaky video and decent lighting. You don’t want this to look like a Super bowl commercial but try steering away from Blair Witch style production. Instead, think casual Friday at the office; professional undertones with a laid-back off-the-cuff feel.


Promote your Peri’ Post

Here’s where all other platforms work in conjunction with Periscope. Post about your live streams ahead of time in order to build anticipation. Request that viewers share the broadcasts as it happens. Maybe even offer something special if the stream reaches a certain amount of shares. All other platforms serve as great tools for getting the word out about a product release or tutorial or live event in advance. I mean the point here is to build and retain an audience isn’t it?

Although live broadcasting exited for decades before Periscope, the technology this platform offers gives brands the opportunity to connect with consumers on a personal level. And with consumer sentiments what they are in this age, that’s a valuable resource for any business.


Here's a tutorial to get you started:




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