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New Year New Buzz: Marketing Buzzwords for 2016

New Year New Buzz: Marketing Buzzwords for 2016

Rarely will you find an industry other than marketing with more buzzwords. And it’s not just the quantity but the speed at which these seemingly meaningless words take on subjective value. For many, they perish as quickly as they came. But, for others, many are here to stay. We know it’s only December 12, and a little early to begin the harmonizing Auld Lang Syne to ring in the New Year, but how about we examine some noteworthy marketing buzzwords for 2016.

I mean, getting ahead is what starting fresh is all about right?


In order to understand the importance of analytics in 2016, we must understand the Internet of Things. Currently, there are more than 10 billion interconnected devices across a vast multitude of networks. Some estimates claim this number will triple by 2020. Understanding marketing trends in the future will continue to revolve around delving deeper into user data in order to garner insights.

Capturing this steady stream of data over time lets marketers examine common patterns and look for developing trends and outlying fads. In turn, you’re placed in a more opportunistic position moving forward in the industry.


Five or 10 years ago conversion primarily included sales and traffic metrics from websites. Today, the term has begun to take on a whole different meaning. More and more, conversion means getting a current or potential customer to take a specific action on a message or piece of content (the call to action). Such actions could refer to signing up for a newsletter, attending an event or a number of others. Within the next year, such conversion metrics will only gain more depth.

Make sure your blog is optimized for conversion with the Rules to Blog By [Checklist]


As the presence and utilization of social media continue to grow, opening and maintaining conversations with an audience is especially important to dissolving customer problems and bolstering a brand’s reputation. We’re actually watching companies turn those conversations into user-generated campaigns rooted in organic dialogue from consumers.

Chief Culture Officer

Agency life is tough. Anyone in the industry understands this statement. And since long working hours and stressful work environments aren’t the most attractive traits to top talent, we’re seeing the creation of new positions within the industry in order to combat the negative stereotypes surrounding this highly competitive marketplace. These individuals work to ensure the company is a place people actually want to work.

The role is essential to help companies align their corporate culture and work to make sure any strategy, idea or process is in line with the business’s overall mission; ideal for small to medium sized agencies.

As we continue to approach, and spill over, into 2016, keep a lookout for other key buzzwords within the industry. Staying ahead of the game after all is what we do for a living.

Did we miss any buzzwords? Let us know in the comments below.

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