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Top 5 Free Inbound Marketing Educational Resources

Top 5 Free Inbound Marketing Educational Resources

So you want to be a better marketer? Sure, I think we’ve all thought this at one point or another. I mean, as marketers, it’s our job: figuring out the best way to garner interest FIRST. But how many of us are actually taking the steps to get there?

This blog post is part of Your Definitive Guide to Lead Generation blog series.


Luckily, we live in the Information Age. You can find all types of info online nowadays—and that doesn’t exclude content on how to be a better marketer.

But if you really want to bump your marketing strategy game, there’s no doubt thatinbound marketing is the way to go. (For those of you scratching your head over that term, let me redirect you here for an in-depth explanation.) However, odds are, if you’re reading this blog, you already know a thing or two about the inbound marketing process and perhaps even some inbound marketing tools.

Being a better inbound marketer is a bit easier than you may think. In fact, you’d probably be shocked to know how many free inbound marketing tools and educational resources are out there to help you get on track. Programs, trainings, whitepapers, checklists—you name it, it exists. So, today, we’ve decided to compile a list counting down our top 5—because we all know that in the inbound marketing world knowledge is power.

Here we go! Hope you enjoy. 



#5 Udemy.com

We love Udemy! Udemy is one of the world’s leading marketplaces for online learning. Want to learn how to play guitar? Practice a new yoga pose? File your taxes? Udemy’s got you covered. In addition, Udemy offers a plethora of information on inbound marketing. Click here to view some of their free inbound marketing tutorials.



#4 Lynda.com

Haven’t met Lynda yet? You’re missing out. Similar to Udemy, Lynda offers online tutorials—but they all have a creative, office, or business twist. You can see some of Lynda’s online tutorials on inbound and web marketing here.



#3 Inbound Marketing Bloggers

It may seem a little “meta” to have inbound marketers writing about inbound marketing strategy, but these people have quite a bit of useful knowledge about the inbound marketing and sales process. Here’s a list of the world’s best inbound marketing blogs composed by the king of inbound marketing itself, Hubspot.


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#2 Your local community college

Community colleges often have the reputation of being for young "in-betweeners” making their way from high school to college, but they can actually be a very rich resource for marketing knowledge. Take a look at your local community college’s course and certifications list on marketing. Though this option likely isn’t one hundred percent free, it is a lot cheaper than most marketing programs out there for help with strategic marketing, inbound marketing campaigns, and help with inbound marketing tools and technologies.



#1 Hubspot’s Inbound Certification Program

And the #1 free inbound marketing educational resource? Hubspot, hands-down.

Hubspot’s free online inbound marketing courses offer you a touch-base run through of all of the fundamentals of inbound - from the consumer buying process to inbound campaign strategy. You can expect to learn everything about optimizing a website for marketing purposes, in addition to the best practices for maintaining it through inbound methodology.

Perhaps the best part of Hubspot’s program is that at the end of your course you’ll receive a badge and certificate which you can add to your personal resume or LinkedIn profile. All of this for free? Yes, please. Check out Hubspot's program for yourself here!

There you have it—the Campaign Creators list of top 5 free inbound marketing educational resources. You can also start your educational journey with your free Introduction to Lead Generation guide now.


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Have you used any of these inbound resources or courses? Let us know with a comment below!

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