Statistics on Consumer Behavior Trends During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
As consumers continue to adjust to the Coronavirus pandemic, economic climates are also bringing in a new wave of consumer trends. New...
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A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.
Because the proof is in the pudding.
At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.
2 min read
Bob Afsari
4/1/20 8:22 AM
I’d like to tell you a story.
During 2008’s credit crisis, I learned what it was like to lose everything. I fought back, and with the only $500 I had and from the struggle, I built what is now Campaign Creators. It wasn’t easy, but during that journey, I learned how to pivot and switch gears quickly, which helped us get through it.
Then in 2016, our company was affected by embezzlement. It should have sent us into bankruptcy. But despite the pain and struggle of going through that (and believe me, it was not easy), not only did Campaign Creators survive, we learned to thrive through it. Learning to overcome hardship has now become a specialty of mine.
On March 15th, 2020, my son Lincoln came down with a fever. He had been coughing for the past 2 weeks, but like the other 4 year-olds in his preschool, they were all coughing, running around, and we thought little of it. It wasn’t until he spiked a temperature that we got concerned. This happened two days after our school system closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The next morning, our friend who had been our house guest for a few days, came down with a fever and a cough as well. Four hours later, the same happened to my wife. That night, I woke up at 2am with a sore throat and a fever.
I’ll spare the details of the long solitary nights that followed; the lack of sleep and aches, and the kids ruling the house as if we were in Jumanji. Eleven days have gone by and we are still not 100% back to normal, but we are on the road to recovery.
I share this story because I, like everyone else, am searching and fighting for answers and a path forward. There is no doubt that we will ever forget this unprecedented time in our lives.
From a business perspective, there is one thing I am sure of:
Similar to the way people went from talking on the phone to texting or moving from outbound sales to inbound, our society is beginning to buy almost everything online. We have been heading this direction for quite some time, however, this pandemic is now a catalyst.
For anyone that wants to talk about their business and to discuss ways to mitigate risk or a disaster plan, I am here to provide whatever insight I can. Anyone that is looking to begin selling their products or services online, we are here to help. We have dedicated ourselves to fighting through this and we are here to help and join your fight as well.
Stay safe, stay strong and as the saying goes: “this too shall pass.”
As consumers continue to adjust to the Coronavirus pandemic, economic climates are also bringing in a new wave of consumer trends. New...
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