Implement A Successful Online Coupon Strategy
Have you ever thought of coupons as a good marketing tool? Well, if you have no idea how coupons can help drive your sales and conversion, this...
I know what I am looking for, and would like to chat.
A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.
Because the proof is in the pudding.
At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.
What is content marketing? The term means different things to different people. It can be a confusing definition to pinpoint, even for a copywriter nowadays. With all the diverse mediums out there, it’s not just about writing the advertisement itself. Granted the creative process remains important, placement and messaging are now strong considerations points.
To gain better insight into what I and others deal with on a daily basis I turned to the Internet! And to my luck, our 21st Century solution center did not disappoint. I came across a very interesting Google Small Business video chat featuring Keith Hernandez, the director of Brand Strategy at Buzzfeed, who speaks on how small businesses can reach their customers through custom content marketing. He also speaks on how to create that content.
Here are several takeaways from the video I thought were worth sharing.
These include photos, videos, listicles or anything else that contribute to your narrative.
Today, our generation is so aware of advertising that we tune it out within 5 seconds of recognizing it.
Customers want content to delight them, which Hernandez breaks down into four pillars for developing meaningful content:
Plenty of other valuable information was made available within the chat. Don’t believe me? Have a look for yourself!
Have you ever thought of coupons as a good marketing tool? Well, if you have no idea how coupons can help drive your sales and conversion, this...
Word of mouth advertising, and by extension social proof marketing, is one of the most credible forms of advertising. Glowing reviews from happy...
1 min read
How does feedback play a part in providing a better customer experience? Why is this question itself important? It isn't that getting customer...