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What We're Talking About...Best Practices for Email Marketing

What We're Talking About...Best Practices for Email Marketing

“Old is gold.” This saying really rings true when it comes to email marketing. The rising popularity of newer social media platforms makes email marketing seem a little dated, yet this is far from true. Email marketing still remains one of the most effective content distribution methods and subscribers to your email list are your most loyal followers.

Seems a little odd though, considering how much and how quickly internet trends have been changing, doesn't it? That's why it is important to update your email content and strategy techniques to keep up with your consumers wants, making sure your subscribers remain interested in your content and stay away from that deadly unsubscribe button. The effectiveness of good email marketing definitely makes it worth your time to optimize your emails. Use compelling CTA's, create engaging content, and in this busy, busy world, make sure you send your emails at the optimal time so they don't go straight from inbox to trash.

So much great research has been done on the modern trends of successful marketing emails that we decided to put some resources together for you to see for yourself how you can use the wonderful technique of email marketing to boost your business. If you are ready to improve your emails for higher open and click-through rates, here's what we're talking about...


How to Build Your Email List: The (Better Than) Ultimate Guide via. content marketing institute

“As McKinsey & Company’s much-cited study revealed, email is a staggering 40 times more effective at acquiring customers than Facebook and Twitter combined”

The only way your email marketing content can be effective is if you have a solid list of subscribers who will receive and actually engage with the content. This article provides many options/examples for CTA's within the email, outside the email, and on other social media platforms that increase subscribers.

3 questions that lead to the perfect email length every time via. hubspot blog

“Though every email is different, as long as your email content is clear, concise, and compelling, the quality will remove any doubts about quantity."

Writing emails that receive the most opens and clickthroughs will depend on how long the body and subject line are. In this blog, you can learn the three questions you should ask yourself when determining how long your email should be. But remember, quality is always more important than the quantity!

combine instagram and email marketing to drive sales for your business via. hootesuite blog

“emails and social media platforms are two sides of the same coin. Both have their individual value, but combining them can spell wonder”

Email marketing is great, but it doesn't work by itself. See how social media platform, Instagram, can be a great asset for growing your email list and making email marketing more effective.


What Influences Consumers to Purchase From Marketing Emails? via. Marketing profs

“Some 92% of consumers say sales/discounts are an important factor that they take into account when deciding whether to purchase from a marketing email; brand reputation ranks second”

This resource has great statistics about different generations such as millennials, centennials, generation X, and baby boomers and how each group's purchasing decision is impacted by different aspects of marketing emails. Also gives overall factors that consumers look into when making a purchasing decision through an email, so you know what to focus on!

Free Download:

Email Benchmark Report: The New Age of Email Marketing via. yes lifestyle marketing

“Consumer engagement (unique click and click-to-open rates) continues on a steep decline, which means that brand messages do little to encourage subscribers to click through and engage beyond the open.”

Email marketing is an old tactic yet successful; however we need to be aware of the changing trends to keep the email marketing effectiveness up. This download presents finding in current email trends and gives recommendations based on successful examples to make your consumers engage better with your emails. Very informational!

Case Studies:

What 10 Studies Say About The Best Time To Send Email via. coschedule

“You see, the reason why you want to know the best times to send email—or the best days—is that you ultimately want more opens and more clickthroughs to get more traffic to your blog. And you want all of that because your email list is your most loyal audience who’ll share your content once they read it”

This article provides 10 in-depth case studies of email research done by companies such as Hubspot and Mailchimp to come to a conclusion about the best day and times to send marketing emails. Each case study is available to read separately, and the article gives the overall conclusion from the research. Great visuals and graphs to show you exactly when to send emails for maximum opens and click-throughs.


The best email marketing infographic you've ever seen via. social media explorer

“No matter what type of marketing tactics and strategies you may have tried, there is one medium that consistently outperforms all the others: email marketing”

If you thought email marketing was dead, this infographic will surely change that. Great statistics and visuals that will tell you how different groups of people use email, email marketing ROI, how different devices impact the effectiveness of your emails and much more. Also, gives you a heads up for email trends in the next 5 years!

The Anatomy of an optimal marketing email via Quicksprout

This infographic goes over how to optimize every part of a marketing email from subject line to CTA. And, with the rising popularity of smartphones, it also teaches you how to optimize an email for mobile.

Email Marketing may be an amazing technique, but it isn't strong enough to carry all the marketing load on its own.  Having a good website and active social media will work with your marketing emails to make them even more effective.  And, if you want to get personalized results for what other marketing elements your company could use,

take our assessment today!

Email Marketing Best Practices: Part II

Email Marketing Best Practices: Part II

In my last post, I discussed a little about email marketing best practices. Fine tuning your subject lines, providing an even ratio between text and...

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Klaviyo: Here's Everything You Need to Know

Klaviyo: Here's Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to email marketing, online store owners can benefit from using a platform that is dedicated to their eCommerce marketing success, which...

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The All-in-One Guide to ECommerce Email Marketing Automation

The All-in-One Guide to ECommerce Email Marketing Automation

If you’re looking to optimize your eCommerce marketing, you should start with your eCommerce email marketing automation strategy.

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