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A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.

Because the proof is in the pudding.

At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.

Campaign Creators

1 min read

Monitor Your Online Brand Like the Pros

Navigating the concourse of online marketing and branding can be like charting a course through the Bermuda Triangle without a compass—which of course has proven difficult on occasion even when using a compass.

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2 min read

Sports Teams and Social Media

What is social media? Yes, it’s a medium for posting pictures of your food, letting me know you're waiting at the DMV to get a new driver's license,...

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2 min read

3 Ways to Increase Your Blog’s Shares on Social Media

Here at Campaign Creators we talk a lot about how to create great content and which platforms you should post that content to. But this great content...

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2 min read

It’s All About the Data

Data is everywhere— in surveys, web analytics, and call-to-action forms. As businesses grow, they inevitably become hit with massive piles of data,...

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2 min read

Promotions in Sports

As many people know, marketing requires multiple components to effectively work and succeed. One of these essential components is promotions....

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2 min read

A Review of Hubspot’s Make My Persona Feature

Hubspot recently launched their “Make My Persona” tool designed to simplify the persona building process. As we mentioned in a previous post,...

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4 min read

What's your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)?

When someone first asks you what the product/service is that your company sells, you are ready to explain it to them. But is your website? No matter...

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