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A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.

Because the proof is in the pudding.

At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.

Campaign Creators

2 min read

Why Continue with Email Marketing?

For many, email marketing seems like a thing of the past. With our inboxes brimming on the daily with loads of unopened emails, it feels like there are much better routes for today's marketers to take. But, believe it or not, there's a reason why...

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2 min read

Different Roles of the Marketing Department

The Responsibility of the Marketing Department The evolution of marketing is extraordinary. The goal of marketing is quite simple-- convince people...

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2 min read

Surprising Inbound Marketing Facts

Inbound marketing is proving to be more than a trend, but a lot of people are still usure whether will be beneficial fr their business. Here at...

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3 min read

Email Still Preferred Marketing Tool

As a marketing business tool, e-mail may seem archaic compared to new social media marketing, however, email is still the method of commercial...

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2 min read

Does Your Company Need Social Media Automation?

Owning a business can be overwhelming. In order for your business to survive today, social media has to play a role in your everyday routine. What...

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2 min read

Spotify: The New Social Network

The world of music no longer comes in the form of a record, compact disc, or a cassette. As is already known, music has gone digital, just as about...

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2 min read

Building an Inbound Marketing Strategy

You’re doing everything you should: posting on social media, keeping up with blogs, and utilizing SEO. Why is your inbound marketing strategy not...

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