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A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.

Because the proof is in the pudding.

At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.

Campaign Creators

Chinese New Year fireworks over Makati at night, in Metro Manila, The Philippines..jpeg

2 min read

New Year New Buzz: Marketing Buzzwords for 2016

Rarely will you find an industry other than marketing with more buzzwords. And it’s not just the quantity but the speed at which these seemingly meaningless words take on subjective value. For many, they perish as quickly as they came. But, for...

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2 min read

2016: A Vlog Odyssey

Happy Thursday! This morning as we continue to fulfill our daily blogging ritual, we were struck by a bit of news that has our word processors a bit...

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2 min read

Like a Glove: Finding an Email Client that Fits Your Business

These days owning a business without an email address is like owning a car without an engine. Now, we’re not naïve enough to assume this is news to...

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2 min read

Rules of Engagement: Social Media Enhancement for Brands

Alongside the ubiquitous nature of digital engagement these days, more and more brands interact with consumers through the online model. Brands,...

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2 min read

Blogging Bits of Advice for Beginners

Blogs. They’re everywhere. In online publications, websites, forums, DIY sites and more. Some may accuse these blips of information as simple fodder...

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2 min read

Show and Tell: Why Infographics Work

As a business owner or marketer, your survival in the 21st-century media model is dependent on the amount of fresh and dynamic content your audience...

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2 min read

Writing Habits to Quit ASAP

Over the years of our daily writing and research escapades, we’ve witnessed our fair share of bad writing. Trust us, it hurts. As copywriters...

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