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A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.

Because the proof is in the pudding.

At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.

Campaign Creators


2 min read

Consumer Behavior Psychology: Deep-Sea Diving Into an Ocean of Emotion

Marketers are often plagued with the question: How do I get people to buy my product or service? Market research is often a complicated and tedious process that can help marketing teams uncover where, what, and how, to position a brand. As an...

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3 min read

Emotional Bonding: How to Craft Ads That Connect

In marketing, we talk a lot about convincing the target audience to click or convert or follow, but we don’t like to discuss how. There are half a...

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1 min read

Multi-Account Support- The Best Instagram Update Ever?

For years, Instagram stood alone as a the anti-business social media. Don't get me wrong; it's necessary to have a company account. It is considered...

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Cheerful young couple riding a scooter and having fun. Sun is shining in the morning.jpeg

2 min read

A Short History of Valentine's Day Marketing

We’ve all heard from the anti-romantic that greeting card and candy companies created Valentine’s Day in order to turn a profit. While Valentine’s...

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2 min read

Using Social Media to Capitalize on Big Events

Whether it’s a star-studded red carpet or the biggest game of the year, February is filled to the brim with huge televised events. Millions will tune...

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2 min read

Memes: The Underdog of Social Media Marketing

Condescending Wonka. Success kid. Bad luck Brian. The list of internet memes goes on and on. Whether you love or hate them, they are a part of the...

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3 min read

3 Simple Tips to Get You Blogging

I have a confession: I did not go to school to be a blogger. I don’t have a degree in journalism or creative writing. What I do have is over a decade...

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