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A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.

Because the proof is in the pudding.

At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.

Campaign Creators

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2 min read

What We're Talking About...#Hashtag

Hashtags have been around since 2009 when Twitter introduced the hashtag into its code, and Facebook adopted them in 2013 (The Social Ms). We've all seen them, and most likely used them, especially on our personal accounts. But do you know how to...

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2 min read

What We're Talking About...Millennials In the Workplace

More traditional companies are struggling to figure out how to create a work environment in which millennials can thrive. Millennials appear to be...

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2 min read

Why Apple is Successful?

Apple is a household name. If you don’t have an iPhone, iPad, iPod, or MacBook, you’re in the minority. People covet their iPhones while renouncing...

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3 min read

What We're Talking About...Professional Email Etiquette

Email is something everyone uses in their daily life both personally and professionally. But with 269 billion emails sent daily (DMR) it's an uphill...

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2 min read

Don't Make These 5 Netflix Mistakes

Responding to the recent backlash over their price hike, Netflix released an apology and announced a new plan to separate its services, creating...

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2 min read

Inside Spring Break Marketing

Spring break marks the time of year that every college student is excited travel to a different town and lose all inhibitions with their best...

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2 min read

Campaign Creators' Rules to Blog by

Creating a blog post about blog post creation may seem a bit meta. However, learning to craft a blog post in an efficient manner will ensure your...

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