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A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.

Because the proof is in the pudding.

At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.

Campaign Creators


1 min read

A Powerful New Gap-Filling Guide

Have you been worrying about what to do with those pesky, elusive gaps in your company's marketing? You're not alone by any means; according to the 2017 State of Inbound Report, only 61% of marketers feel that their company's marketing is optimally...

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3 min read

What We're talking about... Lead Scoring

Saving time and effort all while maximizing value and revenue sounds great, right? Well, that's exactly what a proper lead scoring strategy can do...

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1 min read

Pop Quiz! What are Your Marketing Gaps?

It is very rare to come by an organization that considers its marketing to be unflawed, well-rounded and running with maximum effectiveness. In most...

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3 min read

What We're Talking About...Email Subject Lines That Convert

Email marketing is at its most powerful, and is delivering the highest ROI, according to Campaign Monitor. However, the amount of effort and time...

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4 min read

The Biggest Trends in B2B Marketing We've Seen This Year

With new technology being released and new fads in strategy emerging regularly in the industry, a marketer's work is never done. 2017 has brought its...

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3 min read

What We're Talking About... B2B Marketing Technology Stacks

Technology has become a huge part of everyone's lives, especially marketers, in the last decade. It seems that everything on a marketing...

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3 min read

What We're Talking About...YouTube Marketing

Video marketing is quickly becoming an integral part to every marketer's strategy for lead generation. If you haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet,...

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