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3 Ways to Increase Your Blog’s Shares on Social Media

3 Ways to Increase Your Blog’s Shares on Social Media

Here at Campaign Creators we talk a lot about how to create great content and which platforms you should post that content to. But this great content doesn’t do you a lot of good if people don’t see it. Here are tips for you to increase the amount of shares your blog posts get.

1. Meta Data Your Blogs

As we have mentioned in previous posts, adding quality keywords to your content is vital for your blogs to be discovered. By including keywords, it is easier for search engines to discover your content. One way of accomplishing this is by interesting Meta Data to your blogs and to the social media posts that promote your new blogs. Attaching the Meta Data increases the discoverability of your blogs when your social media posts are shared.

2. Repost Consistently

Let’s just quickly review what most people think is the life cycle of a blog post.

Step 1: Have a blog idea.

Step 2: Write about that blog idea and create great content that your readers will enjoy.

Step 3: Post that blog to your website and schedule out social media.

Step 4: Your done, now watch all the views you get!

Wrong. Just because you wrote great content does not mean that it is the end of its life cycle. There are no rules that say you can’t still promote that blog post after it has been published. In fact, we highly encourage it, and there are several great websites that can assist you in doing so. Two websites that we enjoy for scheduling and revitalizing our blog posts are Spokal and Edgar. Spokal is great because it allows you to schedule posts and reposts in the future. It gives users the option to post their content to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, although it has a very strong presence on Twitter. Edgar also allows you to schedule posts to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn but it does not have a dominating platform like Spokal does. These websites are paid platforms but in the long run, it increases the traffic to your blog posts and makes it easy for you to do.

3. A Picture is worth a 1000 words

Now a day’s most social media platforms are image heavy. What we mean by this is you can’t spend five minutes on a particular social media platform without being linked to at least twenty different pictures promoting content behind it. Remember, if you are going to have a picture as your featured image make sure it’s awesome and be sure to use that image to promote your new blog post on social media. You want pictures that are vertical, bright, and colorful. That way they catch a reader’s attention and it is easy to see on all different platforms. Posting pictures that are engaging is also critical. These engaging pictures allow your reader to hover over your featured image and share it to other media platforms.

These are just a few tips on increasing your blog post’s shares but by doing these things your content is going to be more easily assessable. It’s a great way to get your content seen and reach your target audience. Now it’s your turn to go increase your shares, good luck!

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